Monday, December 6, 2010

A Very Merry Half Birthday To You!

Graham is now 6 months old! Halfway to one year... how time flies! We can't believe how big he's gotten in just that short period of time.

At his six-month check-up, he weighed in at a slight 16 lbs 11 oz (25-50th percentile), logged a 17" noggin' (50-75th percentile) and measured 27" (75th percentile). Long and lean!!!... which neither Lorri nor I can explain. :) No matter... the doctor thought all was progressing smoothly and, despite a lack of "Ba"s and "Da"s in his vocabulary, was happy with his mental growth as well.

Graham has definitely been improving in several "baby categories" such as rolling (he rolled from back to front during our Thanksgiving trip, though still does it infrequently) and eating (you should see the concoctions that Mom is feeding a happy Graham now... even DAD hasn't had papaya!). Graham is doing a much better job at sitting on his own, though he can't get himself into that position yet. (His "crunches" are pretty impressive, though!)

Here are some of the latest looks at our ever-heavier and louder bundle of joy!

Thanksgiving Fun

This year for Thanksgiving the Clarks (that's us) traveled to Michigan. We were there for just a few days but had so much fun visiting family and friends. We stayed at Aunt Lynn and Uncle Ali's house which was filled with lots of toys and lots of people to keep Graham entertained. It was interesting to see Graham when he was held by others. It was the first time he had the "wait a second, this is not one of my parents" look on his face. I think by the end of the trip he warmed up to everyone.

We were able to see several of our Michigan friends. It was especially exciting to visit with one of my best friend's, Sarah. She had not yet met Graham and we got to meet her new little bundle, Anna, who was just 2 and a half weeks old. We joke that one day the two will get married. It could happen! We even trekked to the West side of the state, where another one of my good friend's, Cristyn, hosted a wonderful get together. We were able to visit with our West Michigan folk-a big thanks to Brandy, Matt & Carlie, and Marie for hanging out with us. The highlight of the evening was probably a tie between the Boursin cheese and crackers and the Singstar battle. Okay, okay. It was the Singstar! Go Team Red (Lorri, Alex, and Marie).

We also spent some time with my mom. She also had lots of toys for Graham and Penelope. These kids don't know how lucky they are! Grandma Frank had not seen Graham since he was 3 months old so she enjoyed her snuggle time with the little munchkin. We were also so happy that Erica and Penelope came to the states early. They were supposed to come in December for Christmas. But having them there at Thanksgiving was a special treat!

Daddy and Graham on Thanksgiving Day

Aunt Gail and Gymbo the clown trying to entertain Graham

He'd much rather play with the toys than smile

Grandma and Graham

Uncle Jordon mesmerized by the play mat

Look at this Uncle Jordon, isn't it cool!

Uncle Jordon with Little Miss P

Graham and Anna

Sarah and Graham

Luke is too cute!

Play time for the kids

Awww-what a sweet picture

Sunday, November 21, 2010

A Few Videos

We've had these videos for a while but just haven't gotten around to putting them up on the blog.

The first is another video of Graham eating. As you will see, he is doing much better than the first time around! He's been on solids for about a month now and we've introduced rice cereal, apples, avocado, sweet potatoes, squash, bananas, and yams. We feed him solids twice a day, although he really doesn't eat a lot at one time. I've been making my own baby food, which has been super easy and certainly cost effective. I have given him some store bought foods as well just because it makes traveling much easier. And even though I buy the organic store bought baby foods and make sure there aren't any crazy ingredients them, I always feel better when I give him the homemade stuff.

Next, we have Graham showing off his sitting skills. I have to admit I was a bit jealous of all the little girls in Graham's Gymboree class who were sitting unassisted way better than Graham has been. Granted they were a couple of weeks older. People say that girls tend to develop a bit faster but I'm super competitive so, of course, we began to practice more at home. He's definitely shown some improvement. In the video you can see I have the Boppy pillow behind him in case he tumbles backward. Hmmm... but what happens when he falls to the side. Take a look!

Now just a clip of him playing because he's so darn cute!

Lastly, a silly video of Graham trying to mimic us as we stick our tongue out. Probably not the best thing to teach kids, but very entertaining to us new parents nonetheless.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Sugar Crash

Today we introduced apples into Graham's diet. We're using natural organic applesauce that you can buy in the store. Since we are going to Las Vegas this weekend I wanted to start with something that would be easy to travel with or at least find in the store if security took away my applesauce packs. When we get back I will try my hand at making my own baby food.

Anyway, I first mixed it in with his rice cereal hoping that it would make it taste better and get him to eat more. Well, I wouldn't really say that he eats. It's more like I try to force food in his mouth and hope that he swallows a little bit. But, as they say, practice makes perfect. And so we practice each morning. He was doing about the same with his apple cereal mix so I tried giving him a spoonful of apples only. He did a bit better with this. I was feeling hopeful! He was actually kind of opening his mouth and accepting the spoon.

They say babies have a preference for sweets and I'm sure the apples tasted much better than the rice cereal. Well, as I went in for another spoonful of apples he fell asleep! It's not like I had him sitting there as I was doing stuff around the kitchen. I just took the spoon from his mouth and dipped it into his bowl and when I went back towards his mouth he fell asleep! So funny! It is the true meaning of a sugar crash! I captured a bit of it on camera. He is still up in the kitchen snoozing away in his high chair.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

For Your Viewing Pleasure

We're posting a few new videos of Graham. He will be 5 months old in a couple of days and we captured some cute things this past week. Even though we know Graham will be growing and changing and learning new things so quickly in the next several months, it is still so fun to see it happen! And as first time parents we are being big dorks and recording everything!

On our way home from Germany. You can see how Graham has learned to grab his feet and roll side to side.

Graham is much more aware of his surroundings and is taking an interest in different textures, including his brother Brannock's fur. You'll see at the end of this video that he realizes it doesn't really taste very good!

Rice cereal... the world's most delicious food! In recent weeks, Graham has taken an interest in Momma and Daddy's food (notice Graham grabbing Momma's chips in the photos). We gave him his first taste of rice cereal today. He did pretty well! This video is a bit long. You'll get the picture in the first 30 seconds or so. If you are one of Graham's biggest fans you can view the whole 2 minutes and 15 seconds!

We actually don't have a lot of photos from Germany on our camera. My sister, Erica, took most of them with her camera. Stay tuned for pictures from our many photo sessions with the babies!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Onward To Germany

Alex, Graham, and I are currently sitting in the family lounge of the American Airlines Admiral's Club at the Dallas Fort Worth airport. We have a 3 hour layover before we head to Germany. Dallas is apparently under a tornado watch. We're hoping that any tornados will pass through quickly and that our flight will not be affected.

Graham has been very good so far. I'm sure he's glad to be here so he can stretch out on the floor and play with his toys (Captain Calamari and Zerbert the zebra). Check out the video we got of him playing.

Wish us luck on the rest of our travels! We can't wait to get to Germany to see Erica, Devon, and Miss P.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Three Month Photo Session

Even though Graham is now 4 and a half months old, we wanted to post some pictures from his 3 month photo shoot. Alex was able to make it during his lunch hour and we got a few family shots as well. Enjoy!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Graham's First Blackhawks Game

Here's a video from Graham's first Blackhawks game! He didn't get to see much of the Blackhawks Stanley Cup Championship banner raising or the national anthem, because he was snoozy after a delicious bottle. He slept through most of the first period, but awoke just in time to see Chicago score. He then spent a large portion of the second period eating, and finally enjoyed the game (but not the outcome) in the third. He was also cooed over by several women, including having a complete stranger ask to take his picture. All-in-all, Graham, Mom and Dad had a great time, and we can't wait to get him his first win!

More pictures of the game and the entire weekend at Grammie and Grandpa's to come!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Our Little Man: 4 months old

It's hard to believe that our little guy is now officially 4 months old (17 weeks). The time has flown by and June 5th seems so long ago. We have a feeling that the next 20 years of our lives are going to be a blur. So, we're really trying to capture and enjoy every moment!

Graham had his 4 month check up today. He did great and is a healthy, growing baby boy. He weighed in at 14 lbs 12 oz, measured 24 3/4 inches long, and has a 16 3/4 inch head circumference. All of his measurements fall into the 50th %tile which is not nearly as big as we thought. Graham was a champ while getting his shots and he walked away with a pink camo band aid!

Heading out the door to his doctor's appointment

Graham continues to love playing on his activity mat. He has now started to use his feet to play with the toys as well. He's also been scooting his little body around and we'll often find him turned from his original position. The exersaucer and bumbo also continue to be in Graham's playtime rotation. Momma is really trying to promote hair growth so she likes to ensure that he is doing activities where he is sitting upright or laying on his tummy. His hair, by the way, seems to be growing in lighter than when he was born. We're not sure yet, but think we might have a red head on our hands-or at least reddish brown. (Look out!)

As far as his mobile activity goes, we're stumped by the fact that he's put his rolling over on hiatus. He first began rolling from tummy to back at 9 weeks which is extremely early. However, in the last few weeks he's only rolled a handful of times. Hopefully he's realized that rolling over doesn't reap a lot of benefits and he's saving up his energy for bigger and better things like crawling and walking :). In addition to his assisted sitting in the exersaucer and the Bumbo, we have been working on sitting up. When he is lying flat we like to pull him up by the hands to the sitting position and have him hold that without too much assistance. He's still really wobbly and can't quite sit on his own. But he's pretty close. We just need to strengthen those tummy muscles a little more and get him to realize that he can use his hands and arms for balance. We're hoping he can master this by his 6 month photo shoot.

Another exciting thing that Graham has done recently is slept without being swaddled! We had been swaddling him every night as part of our bedtime ritual. We were hesitant to stop swaddling for fear that he would not be able to sleep through the night. We thought his wandering hands would wake him up and that he wouldn't be able to soothe himself back to sleep. But since he has been growing so much, he was encroaching on the space limits of his swaddles and we knew our time was limited.

One night we put him in some new fleece PJs but were worried that he might get hot. So, we decided to go cold turkey and not swaddle him. Lo and behold Graham slept through the night, and has been doing so ever since! The only difference seems to be that it takes him a bit longer to fall asleep. We typically put him down in his crib while he is awake. When he was wrapped up tight in his swaddle he would fall asleep in a few minutes without fussing. Now, when he is not swaddled, he will cry but usually falls asleep within 5-10 minutes.

Snoozing with Daddy-so sweet!

This month will be busy for Graham, as he will travel to Chicago, Germany and Las Vegas! We need to get him on a frequent flier plan! Unfortunately, Daddy will also be going to Toronto and Buffalo in addition to this other travel, so family time at home may be limited. Brannock is not thrilled about the amount of kennel time in his future.

Sunday, October 3, 2010


So, Alex and I took Graham to his first Gymboree class yesterday. Our class was small with only one other little girl but I definitely think it will be a valuable experience. It is nice to meet other parents and Graham was quite mesmerized by his class mate since he's never really seen other babies. He liked to stare at her and her more advanced movements-she was 5 months old so a little more active. They had 2 different classes going on at the same time, the 0-6 month class and the 6-12 month class. Alex and I were actually quite surprised to see that Graham looked bigger than a lot of the 6-12 monthers. We are anxious for his 4 month checkup on Wednesday to get his stats and see what percentiles he falls into now.

Photos taken at our first class:

Tummy time on a mirror

Using the paintbrush

Peek a Boo

Graham liked Gymbo the clown

Cool down dance with Daddy

Here is a video from class:

Graham practicing his communication skills:

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Peek a Boo

Here is Graham giggling and playing peek a boo with Daddy. For some reason mom never gets the same adorable reaction. It's probably because Dad is much sillier looking!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Graham: Reading and Playing

Graham's becoming more and more active as he explores the world around him. Here are two video clips of Graham at play!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

First Of Many

Graham traveled by plane for the very first time last week. We had to take an unexpected trip to Michigan for my Grandpa's funeral. Although not the most joyous of occasions, it was wonderful to see my family. I'm so glad that Graham got to meet everyone. Originally, he wasn't going to meet the Franks until Thanksgiving.

All things considered, Graham did a great job. And I think Mom and Dad did okay too! For us, the hardest part about traveling with Graham is all of the stuff. We had to bring our stroller, carseat, baby carrier, bottles, formula, diapers, wipes, and much more! We did, however, manage to carry everything on rather than have to check any baggage. For our 36 hour trip we had our suitcase, diaper bag, backpack, and a large purse. Thank goodness Aunt Lynn had a pack 'n play for Graham to sleep in.

I can't imagine having to do this by myself in December when we visit Alex in New York (he will be there for work at the World Junior Hockey Championship). But luckily we will have A LOT of practice before then. And hopefully Graham will be a professional traveler. We head to Chicago in the beginning of October. Germany is next, where we will meet Penelope Stanforth for the first time. Then we go to Vegas: Alex for a birthday bash while G and I visit an old friend, Ms. Caroline Lee. Finally, for Thanksgiving, we are going back to Michigan to see the family and catch up with old friends. We need to get Graham on a frequent flyer program!

Here are some photos from our journey!

Chillin' in the hotel before our trip the next morning!

At the gate!

Dad's ready to travel.

Wide-eyed before takeoff

Being a good baby during the flight. :)

Three Month Update

As we were writing this blog we viewed some old videos on our Flip Cam of Graham and it sure is amazing to see his growth! He turned 14 weeks old on Saturday. On the official mommy scale (me weighing myself and then me holding him and weighing us) he is 13 lbs and 6 oz. He eats 7 times per day (sometimes 8) and around 4 oz each feeding. We are so lucky that he has been sleeping through the night for about a month now. He usually has his last feeding around 9 and will sleep until 7 in the morning-that is something Alex and I really enjoy!

Graham is becoming much more active. He is honing his grabbing skills. It's fun to see him grab at toys on purpose. He is also feeling the world around him. Today we noticed he was enthralled by Dad's Bears jersey, the mesh on the side of the pack 'n play, and Brannock's fur. Along with grabbing he is beginning to realize he can put these things in his mouth. He is also beginning to "talk". We love to hear him babble, grunt, yell, and laugh throughout the day.

Below is a video of Graham showing off some of his new skills ("talking", grabbing, putting things to his mouth). You will see him playing with his favorite friend, Herbert. Oh and his other favorite friend, Brannock!

Here are some more pictures!
Our little man with his new toy.
Exersaucers are great.
And it allows him to play sitting upright
which I hope will allow his hair to start growing back in!

Graham will be attending his first sporting event in October.
The Blackhawks home opener will no doubt be loud,
so we got him some headphones to protect his sweet little ears.

Football Sunday

My 3 favorite boys.

My little man chillin'