Tuesday, May 25, 2010

37 Weeks: 21 days to go

It really is exciting to be getting near the end of this pregnancy! We are so looking forward to meeting our little guy. And we've talked and talked about what labor and birth will be like, now we just want it to be done! I am definitely getting to that uncomfortable stage. Getting on and off the couch, in and out of cars, and trying to sleep is becoming more and more difficult. I just keep telling myself that it could be much worse and it will all be worth it in a few weeks.

Luckily, this week at our 37 week appointment the doctor revealed that I am 30% effaced and 1 cm dilated. I still have a ways to go, but at least something is happening prior to the due date. Here are some new pics including one of dad at 37 weeks:)

Here I am this past weekend after a "practice" walk with our stroller and dog. He did a very good job! I think we are ready to try it with an actual baby in the stroller next time.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Graham's Sporty Nursery

Well, I think we are finally done setting up Graham's room. We put up his name and the video monitor today. It's a simple sports theme that is perfect for our little guy's tiny room. We are just waiting for the delivery of our chair to go in the corner along with the ottoman. And if room allows we may try to squeeze in a bookshelf under the window. But for now I think it's perfect! Notice the fake "Graham" in the bouncy seat that we have been using to get our puppy acclimated:)

Mom looking a little snoozy. And Brannock looking all grown up at 8 and half months.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

35 week update

So, the last time I went to the doctor he was mildly curious about Graham's growth and scheduled an ultrasound for the next appointment to make sure everything was on track. Well, the ultrasound was today and Graham is certainly growing! They estimated that he is 6 lb 12 oz, which is in the 88th percentile. Most baby books say that at 35 weeks babies are around 5 lbs 8 oz. Unfortunately, his size is not an indication that he will come any earlier. But I really hope he does:)

Here are some new pictures. And as requested I have included some bare belly photos. I'm prepared to hear comments about my crazy belly button and possibly my crazy hair!

On another happy note, we received an offer on our house in Grand Rapids and are hoping to close on May 21st!!! The house has been on the market for almost a year, so you can imagine how excited we are about this.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Baby bump: 34 weeks

The countdown continues and there are only 6 more weeks until our due date of June 15th. We have 2 baby classes left entitled "Baby Care" and I think Alex is most excited to learn how to change a diaper:) In addition we've been finishing up the nursery and filling it with all sorts of baby items. Pretty soon we'll get the car seat in the car and the hospital bag packed so we can be ready for Graham's arrival. We are so excited to meet him and introduce him to the world!