Friday, January 22, 2010

Photos from Japan

I'm away in Nagano City, Japan. This is my final trip away from wife, dog and child-to-be for a while (a whole month!), so I'm pretty excited about getting back. But it's also my first time in Asia, and I was lucky to have some free time today to explore a temple with our sled hockey team's coaching staff:

Friday, January 15, 2010

Show Me The Bump: 18 weeks

The side view. I've read that women with tall torsos take a while to pop. I definitely have a tall torso so perhaps that is why it is taking so long.

This is the front view of bare belly Lorri at 18 weeks and 2 days. A definite difference but not quite a big bump. I just look chunky:)

So, this picture was taken close to a year ago, but it shows a pre pregnant Lorri tummy. I thought this would be a good visual when comparing to my current 18 week pregnant tummy. Any bets on when I will have a fully popped belly versus a "hey, I ate too much for dinner" belly?

Monday, January 4, 2010

Who Knew, Part Two...

... that when a pregnant wife goes to the hospital twice while her husband is hundreds of miles away, HE becomes 100 times more worried than his wife and 100 times more of a baby than his soon-to-be child?

Who knew...

that when a baby grows inside your uterus it may shift over to the right and press on things like the ureter and kidney, thus sending the expecting mommy to the ER with right abdominal pain. Twice!

That is how I spent the first few days of my new year. Hanging out in the ER. Luckily, I brought my Ipod and I kept myself busy playing Yahtzee, Solitaire, and Scrabble.

Baby C is fine. The heartbeat stayed consistently in the 160's the whole time. (If you know your wives tales, you know that means girl!!! We'll find out the sex for sure on February 1st.) I'm doing okay, too. The pain sort of ebbs and flows and when it is at its worst I just try to get in a more comfortable position and breathe it out:) However, this is difficult when you are doing things like grocery shopping or taking the dog for a walk. We hope that as I get bigger the pressure will be taken off and I will be pain free.

I hope to post a picture later this week! We're almost halfway through the pregnancy!