Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Owen: 24 weeks

This week I am 24 weeks pregnant. T minus 16 weeks until Owen's due date. That's right people... women are really pregnant for 10 months not 9. It's all really confusing, but I'm pretty much telling people that I am 6 months pregnant. It's true! I'm starting my 6 month.

We had a doctor's appointment this week and we got to see Owen again on a 2D and 4D ultrasound. He is really quite cute! He weighed in at 1 and a half pounds (which is right on track) and he seems to be very healthy. Check him out below.

A cute shirt that I got!
"With Bump. Not Plump"

The 24 week bump

Owen in 4D

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Level 3 at Gymboree!

Now that Graham is 10 months old he has moved up to Level 3 at Gymboree class. The kids in this level are anywhere between 10-16 months of age and varying levels of physical development. We think it will be beneficial for Graham to be around kids that are standing on their own and even walking. Alex and I have a bet on whether Graham will be walking by his first birthday or not. I'll tell you later who wins!

Here is a little video montage of his first week in level 3.

Sunday, April 3, 2011


Graham's cousin, Penelope, came to America for a visit. Erica and Nellie arrived March 20 and were here in Colorado for 2 weeks. It's amazing how quickly the 2 weeks passed. Unfortunately, the last week included most of us being sick! I had bronchitis, Alex didn't feel well, Nellie got an ear infection, and Erica came down with something too. We did a lot of resting and relaxing at home that week.

The first week was a little more productive. Since Erica and Nellie will be here for a year while Devon deploys, we had to take care of a few things. This included a trip to the DMV, apartment hunting, and buying a new car. We also took a few trips to Gymboree to play. And visited with Erica's cousins-in-law who happen to live in Colorado too!

All in all, we had a great time and wished they could have stayed longer! Graham and Penelope were so cute together. Graham definitely had to get used to another baby in the house. In the beginning he would start crying whenever Penelope cried. We definitely had a few meltdowns. Erica and I would just look at each other and start laughing! But G and Nellie had a lot of quality time watching Baby Signing Time, playing, and taking baths together. So cute!

Bath Time!
The babies got to go in the big tub together
and Alex would keep them entertained while we drew the bath.

Family Time!
The adults and the babies hanging out around the house

Play Time!
Goodness knows there were plenty of toys

Outside Time!
We had some really nice days during their visit

Just Plain Cute!