Saturday, March 19, 2011

Momformation: Baby Signing Time

Another one of my favorite things, or rather one of my son's favorite things, are his Baby Signing Time and Signing Time videos! We began showing these videos to him when he was around 6 months old and started with the 4 volumes of Baby Signing Time (created for ages 3-36 months). We now also have the first 13 volumes of Signing Time (created for ages 1-8).

Not only do I love the concept of teaching your child to sign, I love the fact that it allows me to get things done around the house. Kind of selfish, I know, but at least he is watching something that will hopefully benefit him. In short, a big benefit of teaching your baby sign language is that it allows your child to communicate long before he is verbally able. This creates less frustration for all!

One criticism of teaching sign language to your baby is that it delays their speech. As always, there is research out there for everything! Personally, in this case, I am willing to take my chances. And I am aware of the "con" so I will be sure to not only teach signing but incorporate plenty of verbal communication.

My husband and I find it quite amazing at how much Graham loves these videos. We put Graham in his exersaucer or his crib (yes, he has a t.v. in his room already and we actually contemplated mounting it so he could see better) and he stares at Rachel, Alex, and Leah as they sing and dance and sign. One great thing about the dvd's is that they have an automatic replay feature so if Momma is busy doing laundry or drying her hair and the show ends, it will start up again without having to press play. Genius! Thank you Signing Time!

Here are a few photos that we have taken of Graham while he enjoys his Signing Time!

Graham is not an expert signer yet. But we have noticed some hand movement. At the end of meal time when we ask if he is all done he will mimic us doing the sign for "all done". He is still learning that his hands can do different things. But I think it is just a matter of weeks before he begins to sign. That will be so exciting.

To The Top

Just a quick video of Graham climbing up the stairs. He's been doing this for about 2 weeks now. He has no concept of how to climb down the stairs but we will certainly feel much safer when he masters that too!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Graham Flintstone

Graham is walking! Well... with some help. Here's Graham having a Yabba-Dabba-Doo time!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

G-Owen To Have Another Boy!

Today was the big day of the gender ultrasound. It seems as though this day has taken forever to arrive. But it was well worth the wait! The newest addition to the Clark family is going to be a little boy. Owen Alexander Clark is due to arrive July 31st, 2011. Our doctor said that everything looked healthy as can be. Owen is estimated to be 12 oz, which is 2 oz less than what Graham was at this stage.

Check out some new photos of me (and Owen). I have also included a comparison of me with Owen and me with Graham!

Owen's first onesie from Aunt Erica
(She got one for a Finley too. We'll save that for next time!)

Compare the bumps!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Graham: 9 months

Our little munchkin is now 9 months old! It's crazy to think in just 3 months he will be 1! He's shown tremendous developmental growth over the last month including learning how to crawl, pulling himself to standing, and really just being much more mobile in general. He's also finally being way more verbal and using more consonants in his "language". He likes to use "mamamama" as his go-to phrase for just about anything. Daddy thinks this gets him off the hook but Momma's no fool! And actually as Momma sits here editing this post, Graham is in his exersaucer saying "dadadada".

We had his 9 month doctor's appointment this morning and here are the official stats:

Head Circumference-18 inches (50/75th %tile)
Weight-19 lbs 14 oz (50th %tile)
Height-29 3/4 inches (90th %tile)

Graham is exactly half as tall as his Momma! I'm sure this looks hilarious when he's in his baby carrier. We'll have to try to get a photo of that! Below are a few 9 month photos. Enjoy.

The only good picture I got with the entire sticker showing!
He's getting too squiggly.

"Momma, what is this thing?"
"See, I'm 9 months old"
Standing and playing with toys

Showing off his new talents