Sunday, August 22, 2010

Graham at 2 Months

As Graham approaches his 12th week of life we figured we should put up some more pictures. He's growing so quickly! Not only has he learned to roll from his tummy to his back, but he's working on grabbing his toys during play time. Most importantly he's sleeping for 7-9 hour stretches at night, which allows mom and dad to get some much needed rest.

Grammie, Grandpa, Great Grammie and Great Grampie will be visiting in less than two weeks-more photos to come!

Loving Play Time:
You can barely see it but his left hand is grabbing the rings

Hating Tummy Time:
Yes-he cries too

Relaxing on momma's lap

Practicing sitting in his Bumbo.
He is working on his head control.
Brannock is supervising!

Dad got him this cute cow which we've named Herbert.
He likes to hold on to Herbert when he's in his bouncer or swing.

Looking like a big boy in his car seat

All smiles!

Taking a mid-morning nap

Hanging out in his bassinet with Herbert

Looking cute on his Boppy

Snuggling with Brannock: a common ritual

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Rolling Over!

Well, Graham has apparently mastered the art of rolling over! It was not just a fluke! This time I caught it on video... a few times! Enjoy.

Two Months Old

Graham went to the doctor last week for his two month old check up. He weighs 11 lbs 9.5 oz and measures 23 inches tall. This puts him at the 50th percentile for both weight and height for his age. And the doctor says he's doing great! As he laid on the table moving his arms and legs and making lots of noises, Dr. Lee said "Oh, you must be talking, singing, and reading to him"-which we are. It's exciting to know that our efforts are paying off and helping Graham develop.

He is growing so fast and it's been fun to see all of his recent changes. The smiles are coming fast and furious and it just melts our hearts! He's just starting to figure out he has hands which he can control. He puts them to his mouth, usually when he's holding on to mom and dad's fingers. He is also starting to reach for toys hanging above his head. We're also exercising his sight by moving toys back and forth in front of him and he is doing a great job following their movement with his eyes.

He still eats about 8 times per day and around 25 oz per day. We're doing what they call combination feeding. We breastfeed and give bottles (either with expressed milk or formula). Luckily, he could care less where he's getting the food from just as long as he's eating! His last feeding of the day usually takes place between 7:30-9 p.m. and he will give us at least 6 hours of sleep before his next feeding. That is his longest sleep stretch of the day. The rest of his naps are usually small cat naps (20-30 minutes) or about 1-3 hours depending on the time of day and how long he has been awake.

Yesterday, we hit another big milestone. We give Graham tummy time daily. He lays on his stomach on the play mat for 10-15 minutes per day and we encourage him to lift his head with his neck and lift his chest with his arms. He prefers to be on his back, but such is life and his mean parents have to intervene lay him on his tummy every once in a while. Well, yesterday he was pushing with his arms and had his chest off the ground and one of his hands gave out. Then as he tried to straighten it out again it gave him just enough push to roll from his tummy to his back! I didn't really think he was going to be able to do it so I didn't run to get the video camera. I'm sure we'll have plenty of other chances to catch it on video-but it was pretty exciting.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

More Visitors

Alex was in Lake Placid, New York for the last 10 days heading up the media for the National Junior Evaluation Camp. Check it out at This was the first time that Graham and I were home alone for more than 8 hours. Luckily, I had some great visitors. My dear old friends Caroline and Cristyn came to visit me and meet Graham for the first time. We had a lot of fun hanging out, catching up, and running around Colorado Springs. I was definitely grateful for all of their help and company.

Wrapped up in the Miracle Blanket and getting rocked to sleep.


Feeding Graham at the Thai restaurant.
The adults enjoyed delicious authentic Thai food.
Later one of the ladies that cook the delicious food came over
to hold Graham and show him off to the other ladies in the restaurant.
I was slightly concerned when she took him out to the patio.
I guess that's what happens when you have such a cute baby.

Sporting a new onesie and a smile while Caroline held him.

Turtle pajamas and a bottle-what more could you ask for?

It was difficult for me to keep Brannock entertained by myself.
He was very happy once Cristyn and Caroline arrived
so he had more people to play with.
Caroline was the official dog walker and took him for daily walks.


A Day at the Zoo

Caroline, Cristyn, Graham, and I headed to the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo this week. It's one of my favorite things to do in Colorado Springs-a great zoo located right in the mountainside! They have a neat giraffe exhibit and apparently they have elephants coming soon. Obviously, Graham was a little too young to enjoy all the animals but we'll definitely be back.

Graham getting strapped into his stroller for the excitement of the zoo.

Momma and Graham in front of the giraffes

Mmmm, a wood post... delicious!

Cristyn showing Graham the giraffes. He looks concerned.

Gotta protect those little eyes!

Riding in the Baby Bjorn like a big boy

Caroline realizes that the elephants weren't here yet.
But a cardboard cut out is almost as good as the real thing.

Our trip to the zoo was cut short by a torrential downpour.
We waited in the Grizzly Grill until it lightened up.
They passed out trash bags to help protect us on our trip back to the car.
Such a good look that we had to document it with a photo.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

We Love Visitors!

Last weekend our parents and grandparents came out to Colorado for a visit. They stayed at the beautiful Broadmoor Resort, which Alex and I always recommend to people when looking for a nice place to stay. It's right near the mountains, has amazing views, and lots of things to do right on its grounds. Alex and I even got to enjoy some time there. I had surprised Alex with a couple's massage for his birthday which we thoroughly enjoyed while having Mom, Dad, and the grandparents in town to babysit. We were also able to have a delicious dinner at a great steak house downtown-Yum!

Graham was so excited to meet his Great Grandparents on the Clark side.

Graham is definitely smiling now. It is so cute!
We love talking with him to try and draw out a smile.

This was decidedly the favorite outfit of the weekend.
A little red polo onesie and navy shorts were
appropriate for Sunday brunch.

Our happy little family (minus Brannock)