Sunday, September 26, 2010

Peek a Boo

Here is Graham giggling and playing peek a boo with Daddy. For some reason mom never gets the same adorable reaction. It's probably because Dad is much sillier looking!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Graham: Reading and Playing

Graham's becoming more and more active as he explores the world around him. Here are two video clips of Graham at play!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

First Of Many

Graham traveled by plane for the very first time last week. We had to take an unexpected trip to Michigan for my Grandpa's funeral. Although not the most joyous of occasions, it was wonderful to see my family. I'm so glad that Graham got to meet everyone. Originally, he wasn't going to meet the Franks until Thanksgiving.

All things considered, Graham did a great job. And I think Mom and Dad did okay too! For us, the hardest part about traveling with Graham is all of the stuff. We had to bring our stroller, carseat, baby carrier, bottles, formula, diapers, wipes, and much more! We did, however, manage to carry everything on rather than have to check any baggage. For our 36 hour trip we had our suitcase, diaper bag, backpack, and a large purse. Thank goodness Aunt Lynn had a pack 'n play for Graham to sleep in.

I can't imagine having to do this by myself in December when we visit Alex in New York (he will be there for work at the World Junior Hockey Championship). But luckily we will have A LOT of practice before then. And hopefully Graham will be a professional traveler. We head to Chicago in the beginning of October. Germany is next, where we will meet Penelope Stanforth for the first time. Then we go to Vegas: Alex for a birthday bash while G and I visit an old friend, Ms. Caroline Lee. Finally, for Thanksgiving, we are going back to Michigan to see the family and catch up with old friends. We need to get Graham on a frequent flyer program!

Here are some photos from our journey!

Chillin' in the hotel before our trip the next morning!

At the gate!

Dad's ready to travel.

Wide-eyed before takeoff

Being a good baby during the flight. :)

Three Month Update

As we were writing this blog we viewed some old videos on our Flip Cam of Graham and it sure is amazing to see his growth! He turned 14 weeks old on Saturday. On the official mommy scale (me weighing myself and then me holding him and weighing us) he is 13 lbs and 6 oz. He eats 7 times per day (sometimes 8) and around 4 oz each feeding. We are so lucky that he has been sleeping through the night for about a month now. He usually has his last feeding around 9 and will sleep until 7 in the morning-that is something Alex and I really enjoy!

Graham is becoming much more active. He is honing his grabbing skills. It's fun to see him grab at toys on purpose. He is also feeling the world around him. Today we noticed he was enthralled by Dad's Bears jersey, the mesh on the side of the pack 'n play, and Brannock's fur. Along with grabbing he is beginning to realize he can put these things in his mouth. He is also beginning to "talk". We love to hear him babble, grunt, yell, and laugh throughout the day.

Below is a video of Graham showing off some of his new skills ("talking", grabbing, putting things to his mouth). You will see him playing with his favorite friend, Herbert. Oh and his other favorite friend, Brannock!

Here are some more pictures!
Our little man with his new toy.
Exersaucers are great.
And it allows him to play sitting upright
which I hope will allow his hair to start growing back in!

Graham will be attending his first sporting event in October.
The Blackhawks home opener will no doubt be loud,
so we got him some headphones to protect his sweet little ears.

Football Sunday

My 3 favorite boys.

My little man chillin'