Monday, December 6, 2010

A Very Merry Half Birthday To You!

Graham is now 6 months old! Halfway to one year... how time flies! We can't believe how big he's gotten in just that short period of time.

At his six-month check-up, he weighed in at a slight 16 lbs 11 oz (25-50th percentile), logged a 17" noggin' (50-75th percentile) and measured 27" (75th percentile). Long and lean!!!... which neither Lorri nor I can explain. :) No matter... the doctor thought all was progressing smoothly and, despite a lack of "Ba"s and "Da"s in his vocabulary, was happy with his mental growth as well.

Graham has definitely been improving in several "baby categories" such as rolling (he rolled from back to front during our Thanksgiving trip, though still does it infrequently) and eating (you should see the concoctions that Mom is feeding a happy Graham now... even DAD hasn't had papaya!). Graham is doing a much better job at sitting on his own, though he can't get himself into that position yet. (His "crunches" are pretty impressive, though!)

Here are some of the latest looks at our ever-heavier and louder bundle of joy!

Thanksgiving Fun

This year for Thanksgiving the Clarks (that's us) traveled to Michigan. We were there for just a few days but had so much fun visiting family and friends. We stayed at Aunt Lynn and Uncle Ali's house which was filled with lots of toys and lots of people to keep Graham entertained. It was interesting to see Graham when he was held by others. It was the first time he had the "wait a second, this is not one of my parents" look on his face. I think by the end of the trip he warmed up to everyone.

We were able to see several of our Michigan friends. It was especially exciting to visit with one of my best friend's, Sarah. She had not yet met Graham and we got to meet her new little bundle, Anna, who was just 2 and a half weeks old. We joke that one day the two will get married. It could happen! We even trekked to the West side of the state, where another one of my good friend's, Cristyn, hosted a wonderful get together. We were able to visit with our West Michigan folk-a big thanks to Brandy, Matt & Carlie, and Marie for hanging out with us. The highlight of the evening was probably a tie between the Boursin cheese and crackers and the Singstar battle. Okay, okay. It was the Singstar! Go Team Red (Lorri, Alex, and Marie).

We also spent some time with my mom. She also had lots of toys for Graham and Penelope. These kids don't know how lucky they are! Grandma Frank had not seen Graham since he was 3 months old so she enjoyed her snuggle time with the little munchkin. We were also so happy that Erica and Penelope came to the states early. They were supposed to come in December for Christmas. But having them there at Thanksgiving was a special treat!

Daddy and Graham on Thanksgiving Day

Aunt Gail and Gymbo the clown trying to entertain Graham

He'd much rather play with the toys than smile

Grandma and Graham

Uncle Jordon mesmerized by the play mat

Look at this Uncle Jordon, isn't it cool!

Uncle Jordon with Little Miss P

Graham and Anna

Sarah and Graham

Luke is too cute!

Play time for the kids

Awww-what a sweet picture