Monday, September 5, 2011

Owen is A-Growin!

Mr. Magoo, Dino, the Cowardly Lion: just a few nicknames for our littlest man, Owen! These past 2 months have gone by very fast. And Owen has kept us on our toes (although he is the easiest part of having 2 kids). Everyone who has seen him recently is surprised that he is only 9 weeks old-they think he is older. We are excited to take him to his 2 month appointment to see how much he has grown.

Although, we knew our kids would be different from one another, it has been quite interesting to see just how different they are. For instance, Graham loved to be swaddled and would sit in his swing or bouncer happily while sucking on a pacifier or sleeping. Owen, however, has shown no interest in being swaddled or his pacifier and would rather be held. He usually starts fussing as soon as we put him in his swing and somehow knows when the person holding him has sat down-the little stinker!

Also, Owen started life with a bit of gas. Nothing that caused too much pain, but he would definitely grunt and struggle to work things out. We found that he was much more comfortable on his stomach and although this is not the suggested position for sleeping, we are making it work. It's a good thing they now have movement monitors that alarm parents when baby has stopped breathing/moving.

Owen has also been doing a great job at breastfeeding. We are exclusively breastfeeding without needing to supplement with formula and clearly our little chunker is getting all the nutrition he needs.

Another new thing we have done with Owen is cloth diapering. A couple of weeks in Owen was really red in the diaper region and often sticking to the mesh in his diapers. Since, my sister was nearby and had all sorts of cloth diaper paraphernalia we decided to give it a try to see if it helped to clear things up. Luckily, it did and you can often catch little Owen with a "fluffy" butt.

Please enjoy these photos of Owen...

Snuggling with Aunt Erica
Our chubby checker
Momma and Owen
The classic "Daddy and me" shot

Playing with Auntie Bethany and Uncle Brandon

Monthly photos-can you see a difference?

Play time!

Owen and Grandma

Uncle Jordon!
Owen in one of his cuter cloth diapers
Smiling at around 8 weeks

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